Friday, September 9, 2016

Weird Al is a National Treasure!

Well, in spite of all of the bad things that have been going on lately, I can say that this has been a good week, thanks mostly to Weird Al Yankovic (and to my sister and brother-in-law for getting tickets for us).  I saw his "Mandatory Fun Tour" on Wednesday here is SC and I haven't laughed that much in months.  I can definitely say I had more than mandatory fun.  As things turned out, I really needed a good laugh.  Getting out and having a good time has put me in much better spirits.  It's amazing what a little laughter can do.

I saw him the first time at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach.  He likes to make uncomfortable eye contact with people in the front rows, and then sing song lyrics directly to them.  He did this to me and my sister.  It was awesome.

As for this tour, his voice is still great, he moves like he doesn't get tired, and he is still making hilarious music.  I was surprised to find out that he's fifty-six years old.  I can't believe the amount of energy he brings to the stage.  You can really tell that he loves what he does.  I respect that in any musician and I've been listening to Weird Al since I was a child.  Don't get me wrong, I do like the songs that he parodies, but I think some of the Weird Al's lyrics will be remembered longer than those of the original song.  

I was surprised to find that we also had friends of ours that we haven't seen in a little while sitting next to us, so we got to catch up a with them little before the show.  That was nice too.  I expected we would see some of our friends there, but I didn't expect to be sitting next to anyone we knew.  It was a great night, and while people are allowed to disagree with me, Weird Al Yankovic is a national treasure in my book.  Speaking of my book, I've included a link to his song "Word Crimes" for your viewing pleasure.

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