Friday, July 31, 2009

Back to the Basics

It seems I didn't have writer's block so much as I just needed a change of pace. I've decided to go back to the basics, for now, and work on some new short stories for anthologies. The first anthology I'm trying to write for is called "Weird Westerns" and is due on August the fifteenth. While that doesn't give me much time, I think I can write a weird western quickly. I've actually had plans to write one for a long time but just never got around to it.

The next anthology I need to work on is "Amazing Alternity Stories." This one just sounds like a ton of fun because you take a historical figure and throw them into a strange alternate universe. For example, Albert Einstein could be a swashbuckler or George Washington could be a maritime adventurer. I don't have an idea yet, but it just sounded like too much fun to pass up. That one is due on August thirty first, though so I don't have much time. We'll see what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it.

Either way, I'm already twenty one hundred words into the Western story and I think it's going pretty well. Wish me luck on finishing it by the fifteenth. For some reason I usually work better with a deadline. I hope this is one of those times, and I hope they like it. Even if they don't, that will give me one more story to add to the homeless story collection and someone will eventually want it. Like I said, wish me luck. I'll be keeping you notified on how it goes and which ones I'll be working on next.

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